
Liaisons De Fleurs
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Indoor Goth Garden

Indoor Goth Garden

We discussed adding color to your living space using houseplants HERE , however sometimes we don’t just want to add a little color, sometime our environment needs a something a bit more dramatic and moody. A big boys statement that can set the mood for the entire room.

These are the darkest, moodiest goth friendly plants that will add a ton of personality to any room.

1- Alocacia Black Velvet

This plant is simply gorgeous offering dark heart shaped leaves with well defined contrasting silvery veins. This plants is a little finicky when it comes to its care but it is well worth the work because of its gorgeous leaves.

It is sensitive to both wind and direct sun and it is prone to root rot so it is important to have a careful watering schedule that allows the plant to remain moist but not overly wet as well as a nice potting mix that allows quick drainage. We use Ivy May potting mix, you can read up on this amazing potting mix here IVYMAY POTTING MIX )

2 - Calathea Dottie

This plant is one of my all time favorite, its dark almost black round leaves are accented by a striking hot pink lines making this plant both dark and vibrant . We in fact included this in what we thought were the best indoor plants to add color to your room, not to mention it is also great for removing toxins from the air like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene. ( discover more Air purifying plants here )

Quick advice, calatheas like to be watered with distilled water or rainwater and they love the humidity.


This gorgeously dark colored succulent makes a great addition to any drought resistant gardens with its almost black leaves that form a very dramatic rose shaped plant. We love this both as a potted plant and as a cut flower added to both flower bouquets and vase arrangements.

Like a lot of hardy succulents they love the sun and like to fully dry out in-between watering. Also make sre you don’t water the plant itself but rather the dirt around it or it will hold the water in between leaves and rot.

4- Black Rubber Plant

Not only this is a perfect to add a big dramatic statement to your room, this is one of the easiest plants to care for as it can tolerate low light. I simply water it once every ten days and fertilize it with indoor plant food once every two months.

5- black mini calla lily

These are amazing both planted in the yard in a shady spot or grown as indoor plants, they come in an array of colors but the black ones are so gorgeous I always try to have them around. They also make great cut flowers , the blooms are very long lasting and simply elegant, they fact made up the majority of my bridal bouquet and are one of my top seller flower at the shop.

6- Begonia Black Fancy

This begonia is a small tropical perennial with fuzzy red stems and very dramatic velvety black leaves. This plant also rewards your care with clusters of small red-pink flowers blooming from late spring into summer but to be honest they are not as sticking as its foliage.

They are fairly low maintenance.  They do like to be in moist soil . They are amazing as container bedding plants as well as in hanging planters.

7 - ZZ Plant Raven

ZZ Plants Raven are easy to grow houseplant that are perfect for beginners.

Its new growth emerges as light green and matures into a deep purple-black.

They can grow up to 4 feet tall and while they like diffused light they are able to tolerate a lower light environment.

8 - Echeveria Black Prince

This is another dark toned succulents that makes a great beginner houseplant. It really does not require much care and If you’re keeping it happy, it will reward you with a bright green center and red flowers.

Just make sure not to overwater this plant as it is sensitive to root rot and needs to fully dry out in between waterings and like for the Aenonium please make sure you don’t just pour water over it as water will get stuck in between the leaves causing the plant to rot and die.

9 - Philodendron Black Cardinal

Philodendron ‘Black Cardinal’ has dark broad oval leaves. When new leaves emerge they are a burgundy red hue but as they mature they will turn to a very dark color closest to black

Philodendrons do best in loose, well-drained soil that is high in organic matter, they like to dry out in between waterings. They require bright diffused indirect light and need to be fertilized regularly once a month .

10- Alocacia Polly

This is a one of a kind stunning plant that simply with add so much drama and character to any room.

The Alocasia Polly has very dark green, almost black that are very narrow with wavy edges. Each leaf is about 2-feet long and has ribs in a creamy white color. Talk about Drama!

This plant grows up to 3-feet tall and 2-feet wide. It likes part shade or indirect light. It prefers a moist soil and thrives in high humidity climates.

Sadly, alocasias contains calcium oxalate crystals making them toxic to dogs, cats, and humans.

They can cause oral irritation, burning of the lips and mouth, swelling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing and breathing if ingested.

Toxic Properties: Insoluble calcium oxalates

Severity: Moderate

Malicious Parts of the Plant: Leaves, Stems, and Roots

Read more about plants that are not pet friendly HERE:

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