
Liaisons De Fleurs
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10 best house plants to add color to your living room

10 best house plants to add color to your living room

1- Purple Shamrock:


Dark colored leaflets on trifoliate leaves resemble delicate butterflies whose “wings” fold down when night approaches, only to reopen as the sun rises the next day. A shade plant when outside, purple shamrock will thrive in bright indirect light indoors. Too much sun will burn the leaves. If over the winter the plant becomes leggy, give it a trim in the spring to encourage new growth.

2- Peperomia

With textured leaves that sparkle in the sunlight, peperomia is an interesting smaller houseplant with many colorful variations. An east window would be a perfect spot for this medium- to low-light lover.

3- Pink Allusion Arrowhead Vine

This plant will be right at home in an east-facing window or near small windows. The beauty of arrowhead vine is that you decide the growth habit. For the first few months it will be compact and upright, but it will eventually develop long vines that can be trained to climb up supports or can be cut back to six or eight inches in length to maintain a bushier form.

4 -Pinstripe Calathea Ornata


The Calathea Pinstripe gets its species epithet ‘ornata’ from the ornate, almost painted pink brushstroke pattern on its leaves.Thrives in medium to bright indirect light, but can tolerate low indirect light.Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Increase frequency with increased light.

Extra Bonus: This plant is pet-friendly!

5- Polka Dot Plant

Polka Dot or Freckle Face Plant (Hypoestes Phyllostachya): Confetti Hypoestes is a versatile, easy to grow plant that is typically known for its unusual and striking foliage colors. Its vivid color pattern is a popular and eye-catching addition to a miniature garden container. Keep soil moderately moist, but not constantly soaked.

6 - Tri- Color Oyster Plant

(Rhoeo Spathacea): Also called Moses in the Cradle, this little beauty’s leaves is golden and pink-ish on the top, and purple on the undersides, which are pretty dramatic and striking. It works both indoors and out, and — even better —is easy to take care of. It needs medium to bright light and water once a week or two, depending on conditions.

7 - Nerve Plant

Nerve Plants (Fittonia Albivenis): These plants are known for their distinctive feathery veins. Although the most common color is white, you can also find other colors: the pale pink variety, is particularly beautiful. These plants need constant moisture and shouldn’t ever dry out, so terrariums are a location for these humidity-loving plants. They also don’t like full sunlight, and their leaves will brown with too much exposure.

8- Calathea Triostar

Calathea Triostar (Stromanthe Sanguinea): known for its striking variegated leaf patterns. These are closely related to the marantha family and like to be moist, but not wet, and don’t do well in direct sun (and might lose their amazing color).

9 - Alocatia Polly

You'll love how the Alocasia Polly ( African Mask )brings a touch of the tropics to your indoor spaces, especially in the dead of winter. The plant features big, arrow-shaped leaves boldly veined in silver. Besides being big, the leaves also offer a fun splash of texture to interior spaces. African mask (also called elephant's ears) grows best in a humid spot. If the air gets dry in your home or office, supplement with extra moisture

10 - Red Aglaomena

A type of Chinese evergreen, Colorful Aglaonema is even showier because it trades in silver for rich red and pink tones to the leaves. Though it's even showier than it's cousin, Colorful Aglaonema is just as easy to grow. It grows just about everywhere, but it's happiest in a medium-bright spot with regular watering.

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