
Liaisons De Fleurs
A San Diego Blog - gardening, floral designs, plant care tips, recipes and more

10 must follow tips for decorating gorgeous Christmas Trees

10 must follow tips for decorating gorgeous Christmas Trees

1- Go Fresh: Begin with a FRESH CUT Christmas Tree: Nothing, and I mean NOTHING can replace the texture of a fresh cut tree not to mention the fragrance…well no perfume or holiday spray can capture the magical scent of fresh evergreens.

2- Pick a theme : Your tree should be full but no, not everything you own should go onto the tree. A few of our most popular decorating themes this season are: Rustic, Mixed metals, Winter Wonderland, Candy Cane Lane, White and Gold .

3- Bury the lights: The lights should be hidden inside the tree, they help reflect over the ornaments and create a subtle warm glow through out the whole tree.

4- Chose Abundance not Over Kill : your tree should be lush and elegant but it should still look like a tree. the gorgeous green spruce should be visible and the tree should keep its’ shape.

5- Don’t stop at the surface: create layers with ornaments, go deep closer to the trunk with the ornaments you have the most of, even if you think they cannot really be seen, the can and they help create textures through out the tree. leave the largest and most unique ornaments for t he front of the branches where they can be the most visible.

6- Don’t skimp on textures: Glittery, matte, shiny, opaque, feathered and frosted, if they fit within your color scheme…go for it! Each texture captures the light differently and helps to create visual depth.

7- Make a statement: if you have a 6 to 7 ft tree pick 3 to 4 larger scale ornament/ focal pieces and make them the focal point of the tree.


8- Incorporate Floral Picks : They help creating depth to the design, just make sure they are evenly spread out over the tree.


9- Weave The Ribbon Through: This really makes all the difference, do not just horizontally wrap your tree! carefully place the ribbons ( We usually choose two different ones) throughout and carefully secure each piece to the branch using floral wire , this creates a continuous movement in the entire design.

10 - Don’t skip the finishing touch : don’t shy away from the little extra holiday glitz, may you choose glitter, frosting or snow finishing spray, just go for it, Tis the season!

5 Must have Winter Blooms to add magic to your seasonal designs

5 Must have Winter Blooms to add magic to your seasonal designs

On Special This Week: The Little Fall Cube

On Special This Week: The Little Fall Cube